Dr. Chambers and Associates -
Providing Quality Care That You Can Trust, For Your Children, Your Family, and Yourself.


Dr. Chambers has now retired as of November 15, 2020. Dr. Chambers is no longer actively practicing medicine. Dr. Radhika Vayani has assumed the practice. Patients may choose to remain at the practice or transfer to another doctor. All patient charts remain at 721 Southeast Parkway. Dr. Vayani is now the custodian of all medical records. Location: We are now located in our new building at: 721 South East Parkway, Azle. Texas 76020, On the access road near the hospital [ almost ] at the corner of Denver Trail and Highway 199.

Family Medicine: 817.270.DOCS (3627)

Pediatrics: 817.270.KIDS (5437)
Fax: 817.270.5934

Monday Through Friday: 8:30 to 5:00